What is it they still don’t get?

Yesterday the Financial Times reported “Nuns shocked at being on Wal-Mart’s list of threats. A community of Benedictine nuns based in Texas has called on Wal-Mart to give further details of how they came to appear on a list of potential threats to the...

The Annals of Spin

This weeks New Yorker Magazine (4/2/07) features a long negative story about Wal-Mart’s effort to “co-opt liberals.” This is another in the series of good news/bad news stories that both helps and plagues the company. After nearly a year of this endless seesaw one...


I spent two days this week doing something I haven’t done for five if not ten years – going to a retreat to explore who I want to be in the next iteration of my life. The retreat was led by Peter Senge and the Shamballa Institute outside Boston on bright, crisp sunny...