Who Stole The American Dream? – Part I

There is no shortage of sadness and unease at the state of America today. What happened to our deeply imperfect, yet in many respects, more hopeful and less deeply divided country? While our past is littered with the story of a country flawed by slavery, poverty and...

Sustain website has launched

The Sustain website is now LIVE. Pre-order some awesome, sustainable, Fair Trade condoms and spread the love ! We are excited to finally launch the site and will continue to share updates with you as we roll out at retail locations this...

Women and Condoms

Ok, as a man, this is a subject I only know a limited amount about. But what I do know is, it’s a damn shame that our culture has glorified the purchase of condoms by men and made women feel ashamed of doing the same thing.   Men are assumed to have gotten lucky...

Not Paying Their Fair Share

  Running for the senate, Elizabeth Warren elegantly distilled her logic of why wealthy individuals and multinational corporations need to pay their fair share and give back to the country that has given them so much.   “There is nobody in this country who got...

A $12 Minimum Wage Is a Moral and Economic Imperative

  Associate Business Editor Caroline Fairchild in The Huffington Post recently made the argument that not only is a $12 minimum wage affordable, but it would actually help our economy. A report from non-partisan public policy center Demos looked into the effect...

So what is a sustainable condom anyway?

Sustain’s systems-based approach to condoms looks at everything from where the tree’s latex is harvested from, the type of sex couples have when they use them, and of course how the condom is disposed of. Sustain condoms use latex derived from the worlds only Forest...