Making Shit Up

We live in confusing times. Desperate to believe that what we think we know to be true, is in fact, the truth. The alternative is much too scary – but essential. Life is a journey, what is true today may no longer be true tomorrow. We will never know the “whole”...

Are we still the greatest?

Maureen Dowd, one of the best Op-Ed writers to ever grace the pages of the New York Times, often strikes at the heart of the American dilemma capturing our current confusion with the precision of a surgeon. On this Fourth of July, in her column, “Who Do We Think We...

Rating America: 16 Things That Need Work

The World Economic Forum recently released, “The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013,” that ranks 144 countries, on everything from “Organized Crime,” to the “Quality of Overall Infrastructure,” and the “Protection of Minority Shareholders. “ No. 1...

The Charitable-Industrial Complex

Several months ago I posted about “The Poverty-Creation Industry, so I was fascinated to see Peter Buffett’s (son of Warren Buffett) New York Times Op-Ed on the “The Charitable-Industrial Complex.” Peter starts by discussing the unintended consequences of well...

The Poverty Creation Industry

Recently Joe Brewer, Alnoor Ladha and Martin Kirk had the audacity to describe what they call the “Poverty Creation Industry.” They write that, “Poverty is human-made....

Making Way for Worker Co-ops

Guest post by Taliesin Nyala, a co-owner of the Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA), a worker-owned cooperative based in Massachusetts created to democratize education and the economy while furthering the cooperative movement. TESA designs curriculum and...