The “Strategies for a New Economy” conference was held on June 8th-10th at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.   The conference was organized around ten themes that the New Economics Institute sees as essential components in transitioning to an economy that is just, maximizes well-being, operates within environmental limits, and is capable of coping and adapting to global environmental change.

The themes included:

  • Banking and Financing a New Economy: Scale, Criteria, Innovation
  • Measuring Well Being: Alternative Indicators of Wealth and Progress
  • Messaging the New Economy: Education, Media, Public Campaigns
  • Rebuilding Local Economies: Engines for Resilience
  • Reimagining Ownership and Work: Coops, Stakeholders, Corporate Structure
  • Responsive Government for a New Economy: Politics as if People and Planet Mattered
  • Sharing the Commons: Identifying, Allocating, Restoring
  • Sustainable Production and Consumption: Simplicity, Sufficiency, Abundance

The conference focused on a critical need: to rescue our economic system from a design that is, fundamentally, not equipped to face the challenges of high unemployment, constrained recourses, the unrestrained influence of global corporations and a subsidy and tax system that concentrate wealth in a dangerous manner.

The discussion provided deep insight into potential solutions, highlighted alternative economic models and brought together groups that hopefully will go onto to collaborate together.

For more information, conference video’s and information about the Institute visit:

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