Corporate America: Killing us slowly

Recently the Michael Moss in a New York Times Magazine cover story on “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” examined how food companies have known for decades that salt, sugar and fat are not good for us in the quantities American’s consume...

So, how are the Millennials doing?

Not terribly well. According to a Fall 2013 survey conducted at Rutgers University, the recovery still isn’t so great for the bottom 99% and particularly those under 35. Nearly one-quarter (23%) of all respondents to the survey were laid off from either a full-time or...

America, now a less equal society than Egypt & Yemen

We’ve almost all seen the video that went viral this week, the one that illustrates the gaping wealth inequality that we have in the United States (If you haven’t yet, watch it here). Now that we can grasp the true depth of the problem, what do we do about it? If...